Sunday, October 26, 2008


I've been tagged by the Swanberg's!

The rules of the first game are:
(1) Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
(2) List 7 facts about yourself, some random, some weird.
(3) Tag 7 more people by leaving their names and links to their blogs.
(4) Let them know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

So, here are some facts about me:
1. I have a birthmark on my elbow.
2. I have a yellow dog named Tig.
3. I eat oatmeal every night before I go to bed, and thoroughly enjoy it!
4. My favorite song is "This Little Light of Mine" and could listen to Mommy sing it all day.
5. My favorite dance move is "The Sprinkler" and I must say, I can really cut loose.
6. Sometimes I eat leaves.
7. I can fly.

I only have one person to tag and that's my cousin, Haley.

Friday, October 24, 2008

My GREAT GREAT Uncle Louis and me

Mommy, Great Grandma, and myself decided to go on a short little road trip to go visit my Great Great Uncle Louis.  He is 83 years old and is about to turn 84 in November!  I had a ton of fun exploring throughout his living room and climbing all over him and his recliner.  He was telling Mommy all kinds of stories, which of course, she loved to hear about!  And she loved hearing Great Grandma and him talk about growing up; I was only interested in crawling all over the place and walking around him in his recliner!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Eight months old... ARE YOU KIDDING?!?!?!

It feels like it was just yesterday that I came home from the hospital but it's true... that was EIGHT months ago!  Time sure flies!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

My new set of wheels...

A Note From Mom...
Driving Lucy around in her car is one of the greatest things on earth!  

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The pumpkin patch

Today I went to the pumpkin patch!  It was so great.  There were animals, a zip line, a huge slide, a corn maze, gourd canons, AND the actual patch!  It was so fun!

Just having fun...

The weather has been so magnificent lately, so I spend as much time outside as I possibly can. I figured out that I can pull myself up and look out the front door and if I flash Mommy or Daddy a cute little smile, they'll usually take me outside.  I climbed a tree, I spent some time with my Great Grandma (you can't really tell but the table we're sitting at is a miniature picnic table... that's how tiny we both are!) rode the tricycle and just gave Mommy some cute poses.

My cousin, Haley, and me

My cousin, Haley, got out of school early a few days this week so we were able to hang out and just have fun.  I LOVE spending time with Haley.  I just watch everything she does and then try to do it myself.  We played the piano together and went for a walk; we stopped for a snack at a local cafe and visited the library; we also rode the tricycle together at my Great Grandma's house.  We just have a blast together!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

More pictures from the wedding

I thought this leaf would look pretty in my friend Lucy's hair.

Weekend trip

Mommy and I took a short trip to Excelsior Springs, MO this weekend to attend our friend Stacey's wedding.  Mommy was the Matron of Honor and I was just there to entertain!  We arrived on Friday and took a little walk through the town (there's a picture of me sneaking a flower into my mouth that was delicious!) and then headed to the rehearsal.  I was pretty wiped out so we ate some food, chatted for awhile, and headed to bed!  Saturday was a great day for an outdoor wedding and I even managed to get in a short nap during the ceremony (thank you Amy and Lance for letting me sleep on your shoulders and laps! Mommy and I both really appreciate it!!).  There were also a lot of other kids there that I really enjoyed.  My friend, Lucy, was there, too.  She was born a few months after me. There's a picture of us and our mommies.
All in all it was a really great day!  We had a blast and the drive home wasn't too bad either. We were both SUPER excited to be back and see Daddy!  I practically leaped out of Mommy's arms when I saw him!  