Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 28, 2009

Baby Elly

Monday, November 16, 2009

I am my mother's daughter

Throughout my life, my Mommy and Daddy have hidden behind doors, jumped out from behind the refrigerator, hidden behind the couch... basically any way that they can jump out and scare me... they do.  And the time has come that they needed to pay. :)
Friday night, my daddy put me to bed as usual but I wanted to see Mommy.  So, Daddy went out to the living room and told her for me.  When she came walking into my room, I was crouching down like a little bear and GROWLED at her!  And she was scared out of her mind!  HAHAHAHA It was great!  Mommy screamed and then just started laughing hysterically, like she does.  So then, of course, I just cracked up!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

No pictures... sorry.

Mommy has been taking more pictures with her phone and hasn't quite figured out how to get those on to my blog for me.  She has a lot going on though so I'm just being patient as I almost always am. HAHAHAHA  That's a joke actually.  I'm almost two, and Mommy tries to make me practice my patience constantly, but... I don't really like being patient. :)

Mommy, and little sister, and myself have been going on many walks lately admiring the BEAUTIFUL amazing-ness around us.  Sometimes I don't like to take naps, so Mommy decides that we should all go for a walk instead.  Sometimes, she just has really great ideas.  Anyway, Ellyott gets to ride in her little carrier attached to Mommy, and I put my blanket and pillows in the stroller and we're off!  We go on really long walks, so sometimes I just fall asleep in my stroller (I'm wondering if Mommy knows this will happen and that's why she suggests these so- called "walks") and wake up so refreshed!  We walk through one of the older neighborhoods in our town and really, people, it is so incredibly beautiful right now!  Mommy loves it so much.  I can tell.  Which means I love it so much, too. :)

Oh yeah, I've been sleeping in a big girl bed.  Yeah, that's right, a big girl bed.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Just a few things I've been up to...

I've been pretty busy lately!  Obviously, since I can't even find time to have a seat and write!  Usually Elly and I get up in the morning and I eat my breakfast and I let her just relax on me if she wants to.  I often watch Yo Gabba Gabba while eating my breakfast to get my morning dance on!  It's quite invigorating. :)  Ellyott is getting so big, and growing up so fast, we feel like we can't even keep up with her.  And I know Mommy feels like she can't keep up because many times I find her trying to relax, but no, no, no, I keep her moving!  I wouldn't want her to get out of sync with us!  Actually, the last two weeks have been quite trying on all of us as I have had a pretty bad cold, and Elly has had an ear infection.  But we're all feeling SO MUCH better now!  
I posted some pics of what I've been doing in the last month or so.  I went to Cowtown and loved the swing there.  I could have played there all day!  I also got to go to the zoo one day with Haley because she was out of school!  Major BLAST!  She's a great big cousin and I learn all kinds of things from her.
I also have really been trying to help Mommy out since we haven't been feeling to well around the house.  One night I decided to give Elly a bath.  And of course, she loved it.

October 28, 2009

Baby Elly is TWO MONTHS old!!