Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm three months old!!

Can you believe it??  Mommy cannot and is trying to keep me her little tiny baby, but I am very much a grown-up!  I can lay on my belly and hold my head up, and sometimes I even figure out how to roll over.
I could spend all day outdoors, and I really love my dog Tig.  She's seems a tad crazy, but she seems to fit in very well in my family.  I have a lot of fun running around the yard chasing her, and she loves to kiss me every chance she gets.  When I'm not playing outside with her, I play with my tiny stuffed version of her.
And as you can see in the pictures, I still have my mohawk!


Becky said...

Drew said, "Oh what a cute little baby!" =)

Tracy Lies said...

Hi Lucy...this is Haley. Um...why are there only pictures of you and your cousin Taylor on here. What about me?? I am your cousin too!!!

Haley (your big cousin)

Anonymous said...

Nicole, I am sitting here with Daniel Weber looking at your site and he says " How is the hair sticking up? Does she know it is sticking up?" Just thought you might like to hear that. Little Lucy is beautiful! I can't wait to see you guys again!

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful! Growing so fast and with many different expressions! Hope to see you soon Lucy!