Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's 2009???

My first taste of holiday madness has come and gone and I must say... I do enjoy presents!  And I actually enjoyed the presents themselves just as much as the wrapping (my Mommy was smart and just put everything in a sack and I went crazy pulling it all out... because I LOVE to pull things out of things!).  I received so many wonderful toys, I will try to recount them all... a tiny piano/xylophone, a sock monkey, a tiny fold-out couch, a swing, a keyboard, quite a few super cute outfits, a couple new balls, new music to dance to, a farm toy with lots of buttons to push that makes lots of noise, a baby doll, and some polar animals!  Oh yeah...


Erin said...

Lucy, you are precious!

Tell your mommy I PROMISE to respond to her Facebook message SOON. I'm so bad about those kinds of things!

Erin B.

Audrey said...

She is so precious!