Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I LOVE fountains!!

Today I went to the pool and it was a great day to go.  I made a new friend named Cooper.  He was four and he was a lot of fun to play with.  We splashed each other, we threw our toys around, we jumped off the edge of the pool, and we pretended to take naps while we had to sit out during adult swim time.  
However, the fun I had with Cooper doesn't even begin to compare to the enjoyment I found playing in the fountain!!!  The fountain is shaped like a mushroom and water pours out of the top and then showers over the side.  I've always been a little hesitant to go under completely, but Mommy held me and we went under together and then I was off!  I went back and forth having a blast!!  I'll try to get some pictures the next time I'm there so you all can share the joy!!

***I took these pictures at the pool the next day when I was there with my Grandpa, and my cousins, Haley and Riley.***

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