Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Busy, busy, busy!

Yep, that's me!  I'm on the go all the time.  I realize that it's been some time since I last posted any information about what has been going on in my life, but it's summertime and I must take advantage of all the fun things there are to do!

Mommy and I have been trying to stay cool this summer.  For those of you who have forgotten, my mommy is very pregnant right now... very pregnant!  She has a very round belly (that I enjoy jumping on), she's very hot quite often (as am I, but I am usually hot from running around like a maniac), and she's to the point of discomfort most of the time.  I try to help her out by keeping her busy playing with me and chasing after me, and that seems to help her.

We had some pretty nice weather in the last couple weeks, so Mommy and I have taken advantage of it.  We've gone to the zoo a couple times (once with Daddy, Uncle Andrew, and Taylor which of course, was a BLAST!), we haven't been swimming too often because we somehow lost our swim passes (which Mommy actually had an emotional breakdown over... I think she was just having a rough day...), and we've visited several parks.  One day, Taylor and I even had a picnic at a nearby park.  I wasn't interested so much in the picnic-ing as much as the playing.  Just this last weekend I went to a local park for the first time where there were pony rides, a train, miniature golf, and tons of playground equipment!!  Yeah, all of that was in one place!!  My grandpa took me and Haley on the train and it was so much fun! 

As I mentioned before, Mommy is very pregnant, which means soon I will be sharing her attention with my little sister.  I'm not too concerned about it, but I am making sure I get plenty of time with my mommy before she gets here.  I try to make sure that she gets to play with me in every room of the house, and if she seems to be concerned with other things, I'll usually just go grab her hand and lead her back to our play area at the moment.  I usually have to wait a few seconds for her to maneuver her way around her big belly, so I try to be patient with her.  Sometimes I help her by pulling on her though and she seems to really appreciate that.

Well, I'll try to keep you all posted on my sister's whereabouts here in the next few weeks.  Hopefully, she will be here soon so I have someone to play with!!!


Grandma K said...

awwwwwwww you made tears come to grandmas eyes just thinking about how life is changing for you all! In a great and awesome way but still my little Lucy is growing up!

Becky said...

Nicole!!!! I lost your e-mail address...again...so I thought I'd try to get a note to you here. When are you due? Are you trying for a VBAC? How are you feeling? We miss you and look forward to news of the new little lady of the family. - becky