Saturday, April 17, 2010

"Lellow Ti" and Begonias

This is Tig, aka "Lellow Ti" (this is what I call her because she is yellow and her name is Tig). We're pretty tight. We've become pretty good pals lately because usually every day I am able to talk Mommy into letting me loose in the backyard to play with her. We explore; we look through the fence at people walking by... Lellow Ti barks, I just stare; I find sticks for her to chew on... sometimes she doesn't take them the first time I offer so I just keep shoving them into her mouth until she takes it; we sit in my tree house together; she walks with me while I water my plants; she's just a good dog. Mommy calls her Disobedient Tig, because sometimes, only sometimes, she disobeys Mommy.
In this picture, I am taking her for a walk in our back yard. As you can see, she loves it.
Yesterday was a rainy, wonderful day. Mommy and I decided to plant some Begonias while Round Baby took a nap. It was a bit chilly so we both put on our snow boots, but called them our gardening boots. I also was able to use my gardening gloves and shovel that my Great Aunt Judy gave me. They worked splendidly! And now, I have something to actually water with my watering can. Usually I just pretend.
I really enjoyed this part. I really like dirt.

Here I am doing a little dance before I begin. I feel you should always get loosened up by dancing before you begin any project... ALWAYS.

1 comment:

Riss said...

I agree, Lucy, dancing before work is a must.