Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Note From Mom

There's been a few things that have happened lately that are pretty funny that Lucy probably won't write about, so I figured I'd share them with you.

The other day a guy blew a kiss at me, which I immediately responded with,
"GROSS, GROSS, GROSS!", and, "Oh man, I'm going to have to tell Daddy/Uncle Jacob (Haley was with us) about this and he is going to want to beat that guy up!".

Throughout the rest of the day until Jacob called me, Lucy just kept saying over and over, "I gon tell my Daddy, boy kiss my mommy." When Jacob called she immediately said, "Daddy, I gon tell you boy kiss my mommy!", to which Jacob responded with a questioning tone, "Whaaat?", so she said it again and then I chimed in with an explanation.

She then had to tell my brother when he came to pick up Haley and every so often she'll now just randomly say, "I gon tell my Daddy, boy kiss my mommy!" which is great to have your two year old just randomly remember when you're walking through the grocery store.

The other night Ellyott woke up around 9 and her Daddy went into her room to check on her and I then saw a tiny little round head appear through the door with her Daddy saying, "Look at these big tears coming out of these big blue eyes.". My response, "Uh, yeah, she's fine." She was happy to be out with the "other" adults in the household (I do believe she sees no difference between herself and Jacob and I, or any other adult for that matter) and was laughing and having a grand time livin' it up in the night.

Jacob then decided to hide behind the couch and jump out and scare her and run towards her (which both her and Lucy LOOOOOVE!!). On the second or third time, Elly was holding a brush in her hand and threw it across the room as she completely straightened out all her limbs and fell over as though she was a fainting goat. It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen... EVER!

Sisterly love:
Lucy has such a great heart for others and her heart for Elly is no exception. She will bite their little goldfish crackers in half before she gives Elly one so that she can chew it better.
It's seriously one of the sweetest acts to see.

Elly usually wakes up before Lucy so I'll usually bring her into our room so Lucy can sleep in peace. When we hear Lucy, I'll put Elly on the floor and she'll crawl into their room, slowly pushing the door open and then squealing with delight when she sees Lucy waiting in her bed. Lucy then just starts saying over and over, "G'moning, Elly" and squealing in return.
My heart can barely handle it.

I'm forever changed.


Homestead Roots said...

lol Fainting Goats!! lol

Riss said...

Oh nicole, this is beautiful.