Monday, September 20, 2010

The State Fair, a little Nice, and a lot of Naughty

My Mommy loves the Fair.  She didn't get to go last year because Elly had JUST been born.  So, this year she was pretty set on going.  And we had a blast as usual.
There's a cute little petting zoo near the front entrance, so Elly and I enjoyed the animals.
Elly actually overwhelmed the animals with her joy, because she LOVES animals so much.
I also enjoyed one of the best soft pretzels I've ever tasted in my life.

Feeding some baby goats

My FAVORITE part of the Fair!
Cooling off in front of this giant fan was just what I needed.

Look how sweet Elly looks while she practices the piano.

This was apparently taken around 10PM one night once I was already sound asleep in my bed!
Under that roundness, there are no pants... of any sort.
Elly decided she was not ready to go to bed; Mommy obliged; a little while later she looked over and Elly was naked twirling her diaper in the air as though she was some kind of cowgirl!
Soon after this, she threw her pacifier down the vent.
Very Naughty.
A Note From Mom:
Recently, Ellyott has decided that she enjoys a nice evening NAP and then she'd like to get back out with the other adults in the house.
If she is not allowed out,
she will scream with no end in sight.
Unfortunately for her,
she gets her strong will from me...
which means I can usually outlast her.
However, when this picture was taken she had a late nap and was no where near ready to sleep.
Elly won that night.
And ended up naked.
She'd probably count that as two wins for herself.

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