Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Incomparable Elly

Elly is thinking: "Hmm... that sure looks cozy in there..."
Tig is thinking: "Maybe she'll go away if I don't look at her."

Elly: "I was right!  It IS cozy in here!"
Tig: "Is staying inside really worth it?"

Here I am capturing images of my imagination with my trusty bucket of crayons.

Here is an image of Elly or as we like to call her, Baby Destructo.

Don't do it, Elly. Do not do it.

Nothing and no one is safe until every piece of paper is shredded, every cup is knocked off the table, every surface is climbed on.
Baby Destructo has the power to whirlwind through a room at speeds that cannot be clocked,
yet maintains her angelic, cherub-like features that leave people wondering,
"What just happened here?!?!?!".

Although I have to admit that shredding paper is actually quite fun.

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