Monday, June 30, 2014

A Note From Mom: Judah Is A Three Year Old

That face... that smile gets this little boy out of a lot! Judah continues to amaze me with his tenderness and consideration. He offered to give me a massage the other day and then proceeded to roll his cars and trucks across my back. I now get one every time I go into his room because I told him how awesome it was. Every so often he tells us things that he thinks are awesome. "Mom, that car is awesome." "That airplane is awesome, Mom." He loves to be read to. He's just beginning to engage in drawing and will now draw things specifically for me, and I love it so much.

He'll regularly go up to his room and play with his trucks or trains or tools for quite sometime and he's fascinating to watch and listen to. One day I heard him talking and had apologized for not hearing exactly what he said and he replied, "No, Mom... I just talkin' to myself." I love watching him interact with his sisters. He loves on Ruby so much, singing to her ("You Are So Beautiful To Me" is his go-to and it is amazing) and holding her hand in the car when she's upset. Him and Elly can play for hours together or just sit doing their own thing, but together... super sweet moments that I want to have in my memory forever. Lucy and him are SO much alike. Both are high energy and LOVE to have as much fun as you can possibly have together, and they do.

Judah, you are incredible. I hope that your tender heart is always able to empathize and engage with others the way it does now. I hope that you always choose to do the right thing... even if it takes you a minute to decide. I hope your love for tools and fixing things lends you great opportunities to serve others. I love you so incredibly much and feel so humbled at the thought of getting to be your mom. Happy Birthday, little Buddy!!

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