Friday, February 19, 2016

A Note From Mom: Lucy is an Eight Year Old!!!

Oh, my little Lucy!! You're eight years old. EIGHT YEARS OLD. It doesn't seem possible since I remember vividly what it felt like holding you in my arms for the first time, and that seems like that JUST happened. Eight years of your love has been incredible. 

I needed you so much and I still do. You remind me to be free. You remind me to just enjoy things. You give me a picture of myself that sometimes hurts so much to see and sometimes makes me so proud I could bust. You are an incredible gift that seems to just keep getting better and better, which doesn't seem possible as I remember the indescribable joy that I felt as you grew in my belly and dreamed about you. You're more amazing than I had dreamed you'd be. 

You have such an incredible mind that soaks in every single little thing and the creativity that flows from that is unbelievable. I love reading your stories, seeing your drawings, hearing your songs... I just love watching you live life.

Babe, I hope you keep singing as loud as you can. I hope you keep reading... books, newspapers, magazine recipe cards, letters... just keep soaking in all that information. Keep reading your Bible and memorizing those words that poured from the hearts and minds of those who lived before us. The One who loved them deeply and gave them those words, loves you so very deeply and will use those words to be a comfort to you as time goes on. You will find your joy and your hope in those words. Let them root in your heart and allow them to transform you. 

I pray you have lots and lots of opportunities to feel the deep love of the One who loves you most. Sometimes it will be through great joys, and sometimes it will be through crippling pain. He is faithful through them both and He is greater than them both.

Little Lucy, I love you. I love you to the moon, around the mountains, through the deepest oceans, and back again. 

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