Thursday, June 30, 2016

A Note From Mom: Judah is FIVE!

Buddy, you are such a gift to me. Getting to see the world through your eyes, and hear your perspective of how everything works is just an amazing gift for me. The world you live in is so full of hope and life and I love getting lost in it with you. 

You have such an incredible imagination and it's coming through in your stories and your drawings. I love watching you as you're speaking about a superhero, or a pirate, or telling me what kind of creature you are. Those little dimples come out and your eyes twinkle and your smile just about kills me. 

You have such a tender heart and it humbles me every time you share pieces of it with me. You are so gracious to me, so quick to forgive, and your love is such a humbling gift. I pray that these things will only grow deeper within you and that you're able to love others in such a way that it changes them, the way you continuously change me!

Buddy, I love you so much and I'm so incredibly grateful for you. You are my most favorite boy in the Universe!!!! 

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