Monday, July 30, 2012

Be Colorful, Be Lovely.

The little sis and I had a painting session the other day,
while little brother napped.
He is into EVERYTHING right now,
so we must do all of our big kid stuff when he's not around...
because he also thinks that he himself is a big kid.

We love to paint.
We love to draw.
We love to create.
And we don't mind getting messy.
So, fun was had!

And now we have some art to hang in our room.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Again... Summer Days

As always the Summer days come and go so quickly around here.
We've been crafting;
swimming in our state-of-the-art kiddie pool;
riding bikes;
celebrating birthdays;
loving one another;
making each other cry;
hanging out with our cousins;
having potlucks;
playing with fire;
we've been living life...
and sometimes time just slips away before Mom and I realize
that we haven't updated anyone on our lives for awhile.

So, here are some pics to help illustrate our Summer days for you: