Thursday, November 15, 2018

A Note from Mom: RUBY IS FIVE!!!

As I think back over your first five years of life, I can't believe what you have already walked through. You've felt the bittersweet heartache of death... several times already. A lot of adults don't have the experience with death that you've already had as a very little girl. You've added such sweet perspective to each situation, and the genuine empathy you feel for others through it is remarkable.

You have ideas. YOU HAVE SO MANY IDEAS. They wear me out, and leave me in awe of you. You know who you are and what you want. I pray God continues to grab at you and will capture your heart completely. I know that you were created with incredible purpose and I can't wait to see how it all unfolds.

You bring such incredible joy to our family. You're our baby and we all just love you so deeply. You make us laugh so much. You are so funny and just so out there sometimes, we wonder where you came from.

You have your own style. You change outfits about 4-5 times a day and drive me insane, but I love seeing what you put together and how happy it makes you. I pray God gives you eyes to see yourself and others the way that He sees you and that He will be glorified and honored through all your words and actions. You are a beautiful soul.

You are my little baby angel. You remind me who I am, and what I love. You are a reflection of grace, and truly a gift from God. I love you, Babe! Happy 5th Birthday!!