Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Royal Party and a Dancin' Queen

Over the weekend,
we attended a Royal Birthday Party.
As you can see,
little brother is already quite a snazzy little fella.
The sis and I put on our finest dress-up clothes,
donned ourselves with the family jewels,
and helped Mommy glitz up our crowns
(toilet paper rolls and glitter paint!).
There was a princess cake,
frog cupcakes,
Pin the Lips On the Frog,
a castle to play in...
just remembering it gets me excited!
It was a blast.

For those of you who don't know me well...
I love to dance.
Little Sis and I have dance parties regularly and 
one of our favorite songs is Funkytown.
I needed some new moves though,
so check these out!

I like to turn around a lot to make sure that Mommy sees me.
I am really enjoying this class...
even more, the tap shoes that I get to stomp around in!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Love the tux, Judah!