Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Note From Mom: Bad Guys

Last Friday, our house was broken into while the kids and I were out. A lot of things were taken, but we were protected. In the last several days, Lucy hasn't been fearful at all of the "bad guy" that came into our house, but I can tell she's trying very hard to wrap her mind around this. This has been my favorite conversation about it so far:

Lucy: "Mommy, I think that bad guy that came into our house thought our house was a garage sale and that's why he took our stuff."
Me: "You know what, I bet you're right, Lucy... he probably did think our house was a garage sale."
Lucy: "HAHAHA Yeah, Mommy... that's silly. What a silly bad guy."

She's definitely helped me work through some of my feelings about the whole thing.

Our computer and camera were both stolen, so no pictures for awhile. :( But don't worry, we'll be back with a bang soon enough!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hahahahaa, that Lucy has a very smart mind!!