Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Note From Mom: Elly is FOUR!!

My little Snugglebear is four today.
Four years of irresistible dimples and sparkly blue eyes. Elly has been mine from the start, a true Momma's girl. Though she's becoming a bit more neutral these days; when she draws draws pictures, she now says that they're for both me AND Daddy. She wrestles with him more; she could sit and listen to him read to her all day. But in the middle of the night when she wakes up and needs snuggling... it's still me that gets that honor. 

This little lady can overwhelm your heart with her kindness and generosity towards others. And then moments later, you'll see her biting or hitting her sister or brother and remember she is indeed a little human. One of the sweetest naughtiest little humans that you just want to squeeze because you just can't get enough of her!

I love her... so incredibly much.

Ellyott, you make me want to be better. You make me want to love deeper and be kinder because I see the effects it produces in others when I see you exercising these virtues. I pray that your love for others only continues to deepen and that you're able to see people through the eyes of your Maker. Little girl, I KNOW that you were created to be used for great things, whether big or small, you will be used in grand ways.

I love you, Elly Belly.

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