Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A Note From Mom: Little Buddy turns FOUR!

I'm not sure exactly how this happened so quickly. I can remember just him and I hanging out together in our comfy hospital bed and it seems as though that was last week. And now he's four. And four sounds so old to me. Four is the age that I've always thought I would want to remain, if I was ever given the opportunity. It's such a magical age; you can talk and interact with people, but still not much is required of you, and you get to play basically all day. And you're still pretty cute, so people are still charmed by you.

 And Judah is so charming. He has a tender heart and such a sensitive soul and those dimples...
He's so incredibly ornery, but so insanely sweet. Sometimes I just watch him and listen to him play and create fascinating little worlds where his monster trucks interact and converse with his construction trucks or he turns himself into an eagle, or a chameleon, or a jaguar. He has an incredible imagination.

Judah means to "thank" or "praise" and he consistently exercises this in his day to day interactions, a lot of times without any nudging or reminding. He's so gentle and tender with babies, and those younger than him {usually!} and I can't wait to see that play out in his life as he ages. I hope his tenderness remains untouched by this world and develops into a courageous strength. I hope that the empathy he already exercises is only strengthened with time, and that a deep love for people will dwell in him and through him.

Buddy, you are such a gift to me! I'm so very thankful and humbled by your love for me. Happy Birthday, little man; I love you!!

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