Tuesday, February 19, 2019

A Note From Mom: Little Lucy is ELEVEN!

Made your first dress, sewn by hand

My diamond in the sky, my girl with kaleidoscope eyes. You shine so brightly, and you always have. You've always had that mischievous twinkle in your eye, and I hope you always do. 

Babe, I'm just so proud of you. Thinking back on this last year of your life... I'M JUST SO PROUD OF YOU!!!! I know it's hard being the oldest kid in the family. Believe me, your dad and I KNOW, but you were purposed to be just that. You have been gifted with incredible strengths that are being refined and sculpted, and just as you can start to see how a sculpture is taking shape, I see that in you often. Your sisters and your brother are watching closely and cheering you on. It doesn't always feel like that, but you're their big sister... the one who makes up incredible games, the one who's already read that book, the one who will always sing along and dance to every song... you have an incredible influence. I pray that as that influence grows and blooms beyond your siblings, it will be rooted deeply in humility. You are His, and He will use you in grand ways.

Sometimes it's hard for me to see you as the person that you truly are or are growing into. It's hard for me to look at you and not see my little roly-poly baby, but then I overhear a conversation between you and your friends or a family member, and I wonder who this grown up is talking. You have never been one who wanted to grow up too quickly, and I love and appreciate that so much about you. You teeter well between childhood and adolescence. I know you feel the changes coming; I feel them, too. I'm so excited to see this amazing piece of art being created right before my eyes. You are beautiful!!

You are so aware of who God is and what His word says, and I pray that you cling to that. He is so good, He is so powerful, He is so faithful and true. I pray that you always stand firmly on a foundation of truth. I pray that Truth would wrap around you like a fortress, that Integrity would lead you to always do the right thing, even when it's hard or you're the only one doing it. His ways are not our ways... cling to that truth.

I love you, Lucy. I love you and I like you and you're my favorite little Lucy!!! I love walking alongside you through life. You refine me and help me and point me to our Maker everyday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABE!!!

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