Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A Note From Mom: ONE DECADE of ELLY!

Oh, my little Sweetness... you're 10!!! You came into this world as my little Round Baby, tore through the house as a toddler earning you the nickname Baby Destructo, and have grown into one of the kindest souls I've ever known. 

Ellyott Ruth... 'My God is Lord' and 'Friend'... you fully embody the meanings of your name. To watch you sit in awe of your Creator and befriend all that He has created is truly a gift to me. You are a precious creation and I love that you know that deeply. It allows you to view everything and everyone around you as a treasure.

I'm so grateful for you, Babe. I love listening to your stories, hearing you laugh... hearing you sing. You don't sing loudly, but it's so sweet to catch you in a soft melody. I love hearing you whistle. I love seeing you love on people and animals. You are so tender-hearted and gentle.

You are full of the best mischief and I love seeing your eyes twinkle and your dimples pop out when you're up to something. I love seeing where your imagination takes you. You are creative and resourceful and always ready to have a good time or a good snuggle. 

I thank God for you everyday. I'm so excited to see where He leads you. I pray that you continue seeking Him with your whole heart, that you're given eyes to see people the way He sees them, and to have a heart that is able to love beyond reason. Happy Birthday, little 10 year old! You are so deeply loved!!

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