Saturday, August 28, 2021

A Note From Mom: ELLY is TWELVE!


My little Sweetness. You are still just as sweet as the day I first referred to you as this, and you are becoming just as mischievous as that little Round Baby was! When those eyes start to twinkle and those dimples pop up, I know you're up to something good. I hope your eyes always twinkle and those dimples always show up when you're up to something good... and I hope you're always up to something good.

I find these beautiful pics on my phone all the time. I hope you always smile when you see yourself, and I hope you always see and feel the reflection of your heavenly Father. You are created in His image and called good. I pray that as our enemy seeks to twist and distort what God has called good, you will partner with God in every opportunity to reclaim that goodness! 

You equally love babies and adventure... a girl after my own heart for sure! Though your spirit is much more adventurous than mine and I'm sure will lead you to all kinds of thrills in life! I pray that your love for the smallest and most vulnerable and the adventures that you seek will deepen and widen your heart in ways that you can't even fathom right now.

Another way that we're alike is that if there's a way to get hurt, we'll find it. I pray that the hurts that come along the way will never sow seeds of fear in your heart, but that you will allow wisdom and discernment to lead you and guide you, and that you will rest and even bask in God's sovereignty over your life.

My beautiful girl... this is your last year of childhood, and I pray that God uses this next year to draw you closer and closer to Him. You daily pray to be wrapped in the armor of God, cloaked in humility, and to be given the power to exercise the fruits of the Spirit - I pray that with you. May you always feel the protection of His salvation and righteousness guarding your mind and heart; may you feel His faithfulness surrounding you; may you be held together firmly in His truth; and may your feet have the readiness to walk anywhere knowing you walk in God's peace. May you daily be clothed in humility and compassion for yourself and for others, and may the fruits that nourish you be poured out in nourishment for others. I love you, Babe. HAPPY 12TH BIRTHDAY!

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