Thursday, January 22, 2009

January 19th

I forgot to let everyone know that I'm eleven months old!!  It's incredibly hard for my mommy to believe.  Some of my favorite things right now are walking wherever I go... although I can crawl so fast people can't even catch me, so sometimes I do that, too; I love to play at the park and go down the slides by myself... I'm a grown-up, that's what I do; Tig and I still love each other so much and love to play together every chance we get (sometimes Daddy lets her come inside when it's really cold and I like to crawl into her bed with her, but Mommy usually catches me and comes and snatches me out before I really get to have any fun... Note From Mom: DISGUSTING!); I love my babies and my teddy bears and I often like to read to them when we're actually all supposed to be taking a nap; I really enjoy playing the piano and the guitar; and I still LOVE and I do mean LOOOOOVE to dance!  

Mommy caught me dancing and got some video so maybe she'll post it soon. :)


Anonymous said...

Yes your mommy needs to post that video!! Grandma needs to learn some new dance moves!!

Becky said...

You're almost one and we haven't even met you! Tell your mom and dad you want a trip to the Big O for your first birthday. Miss you guys- becky