Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Does the fun ever end?? No.

Me and the sis are a little under the weather today so we're taking it easy, doing some major immunity boosting, and resting up!
I found these pictures of some recent days that brightened my afternoon.

Ah... yes, this was a very good day!

Elly was driving our paddle boat as I was navigating.

We also took a train ride.
 There's a great park in our city that has ponies, boat rides, train rides, a lake, a yellow brick road, a miniature golf course, and a concession stand.  Almost too much fun is had there!

Also recently, we took a little trip out to a local lake and it was Kansas at it's best.

A little afternoon rest before we continued exploring.

A Note From Mom:
Always a little suspicious when these three have been out exploring... the looks on those faces probably have a lot to do with it, too.

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