Thursday, February 10, 2011

More snow... more fun...

This is a favorite pastime of Elly's and mine.  We love to pull every single one of our books (this picture does not even come close to showing what we can do!) off the shelf and then leisurely just read whatever we'd like.

Elly was quite distracted and just kept saying "Cheese" until she thought Mommy was done getting the picture.

This is my awesome pillow tent.

I got my bake on one afternoon and made some delicious cookies.  I'm a major help when it comes to making cookie dough.

A Note From Mom:
All of us regularly say, "I love you to the moon and back" taken from one of Lucy's books she enjoys. One day I added, "I love you to the moon, bouncing off of each and every star, around the sun, back around the moon, and all the way back!".  Lucy loved it and has her own new "I love you".  
It goes a little something like this:
"I yuv you to the moooon, awound the staaaaaars, thwew the trwees by the fogs, awound the suuuuun, and back!"
So incredibly cute.

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