Friday, August 26, 2011

Elly's birthday date

Little Sis is going to be TWO on the 28th.
TWO! Unbelievable.
Her and Mommy went on a birthday date today, while I hung out with Great Grandma (which is almost just as fun as a birthday date).  Since I wasn't invited, I don't REALLY know what went on, but these pictures look as though she got her money's worth!

A Note From Mom:
First off, that big smile while sitting in the car seat is because that's actually Big Sister's car seat, which Elly sits in every chance she gets if Lucy isn't with us! Then off to Knolla's for some breadsticks and pizza and a little drive through their arcade. Elly received a coupon to the B & N Cafe to pick out a birthday treat (we're members of the Kid's Club at Barnes and Noble and the kid's get coupons on their  birthdays for free treats... and a lot of other things throughout the year, too!), so she picked out her own M & M bar and highly enjoyed it!

Elly has such an old soul and has always reminded me of a little old lady.  She has such a tender heart for others and on the other side of the spectrum is the orneriest little thing you'll ever meet! She has a heart to serve and bless others, just like her Daddy, and it's so sweet (and incredible) to witness these moments. She's just such a beautiful little person already. She hasn't quite mastered speaking the English language yet, but she's an incredible communicator (which excites me to see how her Creator will use that in her life!). And she's potty-training herself, which is good, because I lose almost all patience in the potty training stage of life.
But I just can't get enough of this little lady.


Becky said...

Happy Birthday, Elly!

Alina @ My Yellow Umbrella said...

Aw, I just love that little old lady. Your mom note made me tear up just a teeny bit. Lucy, Elly and Judah have an amazing mommy!