Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Reunited... and it feels so good!

I've mentioned before that on Tuesdays, Mommy and Aunt Lindsay have decided that they enjoy having time to themselves. (I still don't really get this, but hey, I get playmates every Tuesday, so I don't have to get it!)
We were reunited today at my house and it was WOOOONDERFUL!!
The sis and I have been sickies, Taylor and Grant have had their round, but today...
aaah today...
we played inside;
we played outside;
we went on a bear hunt;
we hunted for pixies and fairies
(Taylor and I still aren't really sure what these are, but Taylor told Mommy that she could see "somphen" so apparently they do exist);
we went for a walk
(yes, that's right, my mommy ROCKS because she took four Strain children, two and under, on a walk);
we had smoothies;
a lovely, lovely, day.
After Taylor and Grant left we had some lunch and then every single one of us...
We were so worn out and it was wonderful.

Taylor loves to water things.

This is "Bubbies". He's wild. He eats dirt.
And pine needles.
I made him a "cup of tea". He really enjoyed it.

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