Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Those of you who visit me often (my blog, of course, is what I'm speaking of here!), know that there are some very special people in my life named the Brunk's. This summer Mrs. Brunk is taking a trip to Peru (I've never even heard of Peru! I'm only two though, so give me a break.) where she will be working with little kids who don't have mommies or daddies to take care of them.
Can you imagine??? Of course, I know the Lord will always take care of me, but if I didn't have my mommy or daddy... oh, I don't even want to think of it!

Please visit her blog; and please keep her and those she'll be loving in your prayers.

1 comment:

Riss said...

Thanks, Lucy!! I do need those prayers. You're so blessed not only to have a mom and dad but amazing ones at that!