Saturday, July 24, 2010

Oh, Ellyott Strain... watch out world!

Ellyott is almost 11 months old.
I forgot to post anything about her when she turned 10 months.
At nine months, she was still our little baby.
And somewhere in between now and then she has become quite the little character.
She's fearless.
She knows what she wants and won't stop until she gets it... or gets scolded.
She goes where she wants, when she wants.
She likes to pretend she can read when she sees me reading.
She actually mimics anything she finds interesting... which leads us to this next picture.
Daddy was making noises with his lips, so she decided that it was awesome and needed to do it as well. This is the face she makes when she does it.
I just do.

1 comment:

Riss said...

I LOOOOVVVVEEE this picture! WOo hoo!! HAHAHA. Elly and I would be good friends.