Monday, August 23, 2010

Mondays with Wyatt

On most Mondays, you'll find a boy named Wyatt here at our house.
I like him.  He has a lot of great ideas and thoughts about stuff.
Oh yes, he has really lived... and has stories to tell.
I hope when I'm almost six I have half the stories to share!

We've kind of started this thing where my Mommy has us draw a picture and then Wyatt tells the story of the picture.  I mainly stick to the illustrating... I mean I'll throw in an idea here and there, but I know my strong suits.
So, without further ado...

Our story begins at the train station, where a cowboy and lady wearing a fancy purple hat await for the next train.
Nonni was also at the train station because she needed to get to the vet.

Wyatt and I are checking to make sure Nonni will fit through the tunnel.

There she goes... she, nor the other passengers have any idea what awaits them.
She made it! And she's loving the view.
See that wall on the tracks?
Nonni sees it.  And she's ready for whatever is coming her way!
Nonni jumps off the train to be prepared.
There are no images of what happened next.
There were train robbers behind that wall.  They were planning on stealing Nonni.
Nonni is way too smart, though, for anyone to go around stealing her.
When she jumped off the train, she ran ahead to the front car and had the conductor increase the speed so that the train could plow through the wall and run over the robbers.
And that is exactly what happened.
Then as the train rounded the cross track, the speed was too much and it derailed!
Nonni again came to the rescue and took each passenger to the train station on her back.
Once everyone was safe and sound at the station, Nonni continued her journey to the vet.
And she made it.  And checked out fine.
The end.
Wyatt - Storyteller, train driver, illustrator of railroad tiles, mountains, rain and thunder (Wyatt drew these, however, it never ended up playing a role in the story)
Myself - Illustrator of bushes and blue skies, and the trees in the forest
Mommy - Illustrator of train track and train station

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