Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Things that take place when Daddy is "watching" us

 Muddy rumps
 Muddy faces
Elly eats mud

Mommy was having a little photo shoot with a baby friend the other day at our house, so Daddy was playing with us in the back yard.  We were pretty clean... I mean, as clean as a two and half year old and an almost one year old can be... and then when Mommy saw us again, this is what she laid eyes on.
I don't see what the big deal is.
So, what?  We like mud.
If she didn't want us playing in it there probably shouldn't be a mud hole just calling out to us when we go into the backyard.
And she probably shouldn't leave us back there with Daddy.

1 comment:

Riss said...

looks very fun...!