Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Naps are overrated...

Pictures of underpants are not normally allowed on this blog; however, in order to show the wildness of nap time today, underpants must be viewed.

I take a nap pretty much every day. Round baby does as well. Often times, Mommy will take a little rest herself. Hello! Our Mexican blood runs true when it comes to siestas!
Today started off no differently, except I decided I wanted to sleep in the big bed with Mommy and Elly. Mommy seemed thrilled with the idea (she loves to cuddle every chance she gets!) (with us... she only likes to cuddle every chance she gets with Daddy, Elly, and myself... so please don't try to cuddle with her... she would actually not like that at all). So, Mommy laid down, laid Elly on her side of the bed, and I got to lay on Daddy's side. :) I also had each of my blankets with me which total... maybe 6? So, I was nice and cozy.
But... I was also still a little bit energetic. Mommy was trying her best to ignore me singing, kicking the blankets up in the air, grabbing Elly's hand (which by the way, Elly loved! She wishes we would take naps together EVERY DAY!), and rolling around from side to side. But, eventually she became a tad disturbed by it.
She said, "Lucy, if you don't shut your eyes and go to sleep, you are going to need to go to your own bed."
I smiled and shut my eyes. But then I grabbed Elly's hand again.
I quickly cozied up to my blankets... but then I was under the blankets and that was fun so I started to kick.
"Alright, Lucy, one more time, and you're going to need to move to your bed."
So rather than take my one more time, I just said, "Okay, Mommy." And then I jumped off the bed and ran to my own bed.
Mommy came and tucked me in and smiled.
I don't know what she did after that, but she didn't come back into my room for quite some time (*two hours*), and when she did come back...

mischief may have been taking place.

When Mommy tucked me in, I had pants on; my books were not on the floor; that drawer was not open and it's contents were not all over the floor.
I noticed she had her camera so, of course, I posed and said "Cheeeeese".
I pointed to my belly button because I really like it.


Homestead Roots said...

Oh Lucy, you are so precious!

GrandmaK said...

I am laughing so hard after reading this!! I picture this event somehow getting posted at your Senior graduation ceremony, Lucy!!!! I just love you!!!